Mountain Takers (Men's Ministry)
Welcome to the Men ministry, of the wider Christ Compassion Ministry church. The purpose of this ministry is to proclaim the Word of God, Empower the people of God and to help Men form a relationship with God.
Mountain takers picked its name from the story of Caleb who stood before Joshua when he was 85 years old and asked gives me my mountain.
Guiding verse Ephesian 4:12-13 and Mathew 6:33
Empowering men for the work of ministry and encouraging them to seek the first things first. If you are hurting, struggling or you have lost your way, if you are looking for peace, hope and future, if you want to go deeper come and see what the lord is able to do by joining us. Our doors of compassion are wide open.
Our Purpose is to create an environment that equips men to:
- Lead courageously and responsibly
- Actively invest
- Make disciples
To provide a ministry based on relationship rather than activity that empower men to be spiritual leaders God has called them to be.
To be a vibrant, holistic men’s ministry, guided by the Holy Spirit and centered on the word of God. And consistently honor Christ through leadership in all areas.
This is achieved by:
- Honor Christ through worship and effective utilization of the gifts
- Grow in Christ through consistent study of the word and prayers
- Connect men with others through fellowship and development of relationships that encourages personal accountability.
- Serve as godly leaders in the home, church and community.
- Reach out to men with the gospel of good news
- Pull resources together towards financial freedom.
- Praying weekly every Thursday
- Retreats and seminars
- Annual convocations named unveiling the REAL man.
- Gate together
- Sunday fellowship over a cup of tea
- Encourage men to join and participate in church activities
- Investment forums
- Encourage formalizing of marriages
- Support the ministry with every means.
- Encourage non committed members and follow up new visitors until they settle in the ministry
Home Church Fellowship
House church fellowship in Christ compassion ministry church, is not another program but it is the backbone ministry. It is a safe environment where people can ask stupid questions and be encouraged, reveals their struggle and be forgiven, and shares their fears and challenges and still finds acceptances.
We meet in homes.
Roman 16:5, Philemon 1:2 and acts 2:46
To heal the broken hearted and empower members to become effective ministers
- Bonding
- Equipping
- Reproduction
Winning people to Christ, building them up in Christ and sending them out.
At Glance
Currently we have 17 active HBCs meeting weekly.
Each HBC submit weekly report every Sunday
Each HBC develop own individual set goals.
Training of HBC pastors is ongoing empowering them to be effective in the service of God.
The HBC pastors have roles, responsibilities and expectations curved for them.
To see every person loved and cared for in such a way that they feel accepted, valued and have a sense of belonging.
- Dinners / get together
- Bible study and prayers
- Friendship evangelism
- Birthday celebration, baby showers
- Follow up
- Visits
- Welfare ministration by locating the needs
- Give offerings
If you are within, you can kindly connect with us for a moment in the presence of Christ Jesus