Welfare Society
Welfare is a key department in the body of Christ as it reaches out to the needy physically, emotionally, financially and binds the hearts of brethren together through fellowship and sharing together like the early church in the book of acts 4:34. This also responds to our call as a ministry ‘bringing healing to the broken hearted’.
In CCM this department has united brethren through its mission activities, which has given them a sense of belonging and peace knowing that not only are they able to fellowship with Christ but also be ministered to by fellow believers in Christ.
The department is represented in the board of elders by the elder in charge of Finance and administration, assisted by the deacon in charge of welfare who works with a committee constituting of the men’s leader, women’s leader and youth leader as the key members, with representatives from across the membership to about 7 people. The Deacon is the chairperson assisted by secretary, and treasurer who are among the 7 members of the department.
Our major role is to show mercy and encouragement to all the members of the church, through:
- Baby visits
- Financial support to the bereaved members and the sick
- Giving physical encouragement to strengthen the brethren to feel at peace.
- Working on to ensure brethren can easily access health insurance benefits such as when a member loses a close relative, etc.
This brings the church together in supporting one another in time of need and thus bonding in unity in Christ. It fosters consistency of members to church thus resulting in stability in their membership and growth
It has also knit the body of Christ together in fellowship, thus fulfilling the great commission, and has lightened the burden that one could carry alone to feel he/she has people around who can help in carrying their burden. The act of mercy attracts people who in turn surround the affected brethren and as a result they see the relevance of salvation thus giving their lives to Christ and fully committing to be members of the church.